Thursday, June 3, 2010

Medco $10 Off Any Order Plus $.99 Shipping

Right now you can order any size order from Medco and get $10 off with $.99 shipping. I was able to get Kiss My Face kids toothpaste and Kiss My Face liquid soap for a total of $1.07! Enter coupon code MHS10 at checkout to get your discount.

If you like Seventh Generation products you can get $4 off when you order 4 products. I looked around and liners are $3.49 each.

Deal scenario...

Buy 4 packages of Seventh Generation liners $13.96
-$4 Seventh Generation discount
-$10 with MHS10 coupon code
$.99 shipping
Total should be around $.99 for 4 items!

Thanks Organic Deals

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I found you through Money Saving Mom blog and I just ordered the pantyliner. What a deal!
